The following code, which works in any compliant player, creates a text field at depth 0, at position (0, 0) on the screen (measured in pixels), that is 100 pixels wide and high. Then the text parameter is set to the "Hello, world!" string, and it is automatically displayed in the player:
createTextField("greet", 0, 0, 0, 100, 100);
greet.text = "Hello, world";
Ketika penulisan Actionscript eksternal 2.0 kelas memfile [itu] di atas contoh bisa ditulis dalam suatu file nama Greeter.As [seperti/ketika] mengikuti.
class com.example.Greeter extends MovieClip
public function Greeter() {}
public function onLoad() :Void
var txtHello:TextField = this.createTextField("txtHello", 0, 0, 0, 100, 100.);
txtHello.text = "Hello, world";